Legal Advice and Legal Support

As our relationship with our corporate clients is distinguished by the continuity of providing annual legal support according to their legal needs, we endeavor to ensure that the standards of the speed of delivery and quality are met while providing legal service according to the following.:

  • Knowing the interests of our client and its intersections ensures our professional commitment that the interests of our client do not conflict with any other interests.
  • Identify the point of contact for both parties to ensure the confidentiality of information.
  • Receiving the request for legal Consultation and arranging an appointment for the client.
  • Attending meetings and negotiations at specified appointments by the client.


Contracts Drafting and Management

One of the distinguished fields of our expertise  is the Drafting of Contracts through critical analysis of both parties’ situations to ensure reflection of the expectations of parties and ensuring the completion of contractual matters, through the following steps:

  1. Knowing the correspondence or negotiations to find out what the parties agreed upon so that our focus is on the legal role complementary to the financial aspects.
  2. Drafting contracts or Memorandums of Understanding based on the previous step and according to the best applications similar to the contractual relationship and activity between the contracting parties, and sending the first draft on the agreed deadline with the clients at the time the customer expects.
  3. Amending the Contract according to the counterparties comments to the client in a practical way to bridge the points of view, taking into account the protection of the interests and objectives of the client.
  4. Participation in the supervisory or executive committees of the Contracts or Agreements signed between the client and the counterparties, in order to ensure the protection of the client’s interests and its contractual rights.

Some Contracts and Agreements that distinguish us in both Arabic and English:

  • Franchise Contracts and Commercial Agencies.
  • Shareholder Agreements with foreign or Saudi partners.
  • Contracting Contracts.
  • Asset Management and investment Contracts and Real Estate Development Contract.
  • Financing Contracts.
  • Memorandums of Understanding and the Non-Disclosure Agreement.


Incorporation and Restructuring Companies

As the process of incorporating or restructuring companies of all kinds is a procedural matter subject to the changing competent authority’s changing laws in accordance with the directives issued by the legislative and regulatory authorities, thus, the factor that distinguishes our company in this service lies in adopting the following policy:

  1. Drafting and amending the Article of Association of the companies in accordance with the client’s request and preserving the rights of all partners.
  2. Explanation of the legal implications of each article in the Shareholders’ Agreement or the company’s Article of Association.
  3. Inform the partners of the special conditions and requirements of the concerned authorities for any special activity such as the capital or the structure of the company and the extent to which it is subject to corporate governance.
  4. Incorporating or transforming the company based on what the partners agreed upon by representing them before the concerned authorities.

Types of companies that we specialize in incorporation:

  • Limited Liability Companies.
  • Closed Joint Stock Companies.
  • Companies Listed in the Capital Market Authority.
  • International Companies.


Litigation and Dispute Management

As our office is distinguished by several achievements by achieving the objectives of its clients before the judicial and executive authorities (Commercial Court, Administrative Courts General Courts, etc.), we summarize the way we provide this service and the achievements that have been achieved by taking the following stages:

  1. Drafting the legal study of the case in written form to list the weaknesses and strengths and to identify the available scenarios for managing the case.
  2. Meeting with the client to present the legal study and to make sure that all relevant documents are listed and to agree on the chosen scenario with the client based on the client’s goals and expectations.
  3. Appointing the Work Team and the Point of Contact with the client, who represents the clients in court, to ensure the progress of case management and the drafting of memorandums in accordance with the approved study.
  4. Providing the client with reports on each session in a written manner and giving the client sufficient time to inquire or express his/her observations on any notes or statements submitted to the competent Courts. The policy of our office requires its employees to submit a written report for each session within 24 hours.

Judicial and executive authorities that we specialize in representing our clients before are as follows:

  • Commercial Courts of different levels.
  • Administrative Courts of different levels.
  • General Courts of different levels.
  • Labor Courts of different levels.

The sectors we work in and the limits of our partnerships:

  • Private companies and institutions of all sizes and activities
  • Public sector establishments and institutions and semi-governmental companies
  • Family Companies and Closed Joint Stock Companies
  • Foreign Companies Operating in the Kingdom
  • Start-up Companies and Entrepreneurs
  • Individuals and Families

Legal Services Packages

Sensing the importance of serving its corporate clients and commercial entities with high efficiency and innovative ways, the company hereby offers to benefit from its legal services in the form of packages.

Silver Package

  • Managing customer cases in which the claim value does not exceed (three million) Saudi Riyals
  • Providing specialized workshops for clients’ leaders and employees in legal fields, and training hours that do not exceed (10) hours per calendar year.
  • The possibility of suspend the package or upgrade it with other package

Platinum Package

  • Managing customer cases in which the claim value does not exceed (seven million) Saudi Riyals
  • Providing specialized workshops for clients’ leaders and employees in legal fields, and training hours not exceeding (40) hours per calendar year.
  • The possibility of suspend the package or downgrade it or upgrade it with other package

Golden Package

  • Managing customer cases in which the claim value does not exceed (five million) Saudi Riyals
  • Providing specialized workshops for clients’ leaders and employees in legal fields, and training hours not exceeding (20) hours per calendar year.
  • The possibility of suspend the package, or downgrade it or upgrade it with other package

Diamond Package

  • Managing customer cases in which the claim value does not exceed (ten million) Saudi Riyals
  • Providing specialized workshops to leaders and employees of the client in legal fields, and training hours, not exceeding (40) hours per calendar year.
  • The possibility of suspend the package or downgrade it with other package

Our Clients

Our clients represent a selection of local and regional government and private companies and institutions, all the way to legal representation for individuals and businessmen. Our clients rely on our judicial, legal, and administrative advisory expertise, in addition to our experience in managing cases and legal departments. Among our most prominent clients are: